Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"One of the weakest political leaders in the modern history of Canada"

Thomas Mulcair has been getting himself in the news again today by claiming that

Mulcair added federal Liberal Leader Stephane Dion would lose all credibility if the Grits endorsed the budget or abstained from voting to allow the minority government to survive a confidence vote. He complained that the Liberals have been mailing out pamphlets saying they are standing up to Prime Minister Stephen
Harper's ultra right-wing agenda, but have refused to defeat the government and force an election.

"They're actually maintaining the Conservatives in power," Mulcair said. "Stephane Dion, right now, is proving that he is one of the weakest political leaders in the modern history of Canada."

No, Thomas. The weakest political leader in the modern history of Canada has to be Jack Layton for maintaining the Liberals in power. Whilst charging the Canadian taxpayers $5 billion for the 'pleasure'.

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